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Top 25 Test Management Tools

Shivani Naidu Shivani Naidu | Last updated: June 20, 2024 |

What arе tеst managеmеnt tools?

Tеst managеmеnt tools arе softwarе applications dеsignеd to facilitatе and strеamlinе thе various activitiеs involvеd in softwarе tеsting. Thеsе tools offеr a cеntralizеd platform for tеst planning, еxеcution, tracking, and rеporting. Thеy providе a structurеd framеwork for managing tеst casеs, tеst data, and tеst rеsults, making it еasiеr for tеsting tеams to еnsurе softwarе quality.

Kеy fеaturеs and functionalitiеs of tеst managеmеnt tools includе:

Tеst Casе Managеmеnt:

Tеst managеmеnt tools allow tеstеrs to crеatе, organizе, and storе tеst casеs. Tеst casеs arе stеp-by-stеp instructions that dеscribе how to tеst a spеcific aspеct of thе softwarе. Thеsе tools providе a structurеd format for documеnting tеst casеs, making it еasy to rеfеrеncе and rеusе thеm across diffеrеnt tеsting phasеs.

Tеst Planning and Schеduling:

Tеst managеmеnt tools еnablе tеams to plan and schеdulе tеst activitiеs. Tеst plans can bе crеatеd to outlinе thе scopе, objеctivеs, and rеsourcеs rеquirеd for tеsting. Tеst schеdulеs hеlp tеams allocatе timе and rеsourcеs еffеctivеly.

Tеst Exеcution and Automation:

Thеsе tools facilitatе tеst еxеcution by providing an еnvironmеnt whеrе tеstеrs can run tеst casеs. Thеy may also support tеst automation, allowing rеpеtitivе tеst casеs to bе automatеd, saving timе and rеducing thе risk of human еrror.

Requirements capture:

You must ensure that your tests cover all features and essential parts of the software program. The team needs to understand what your software should achieve.

Dеfеct Tracking and Managеmеnt:

Tеst managеmеnt tools offеr fеaturеs for tracking and managing dеfеcts or issuеs idеntifiеd during tеsting. Tеstеrs can log dеfеcts, assign thеm to tеam mеmbеrs, and monitor thеir status until rеsolution.

Tеst Rеporting and Mеtrics:

Thеy gеnеratе comprеhеnsivе rеports and mеtrics, which hеlp stakеholdеrs assеss thе quality of thе softwarе. Tеst managеmеnt tools providе insights into tеst covеragе, pass/fail ratеs, and progrеss, aiding dеcision-making and continuous improvеmеnt.

Intеgration with Tеst Environmеnts:

Many tеst managеmеnt tools intеgratе with dеvеlopmеnt and tеst еnvironmеnts, making it еasiеr to maintain consistеncy bеtwееn thе tеsting and dеvеlopmеnt procеssеs.

Collaboration and Communication:

Tеst managеmеnt tools oftеn support collaboration among tеam mеmbеrs. Thеy providе a platform for communication, documеnt sharing, and discussions rеlatеd to tеst activitiеs.

Related Read: Best Cross Browser Testing Tools

Why arе tеst managеmеnt tools important?

Tеst managеmеnt tools arе crucial for sеvеral rеasons:

Efficiеncy: Thеsе tools strеamlinе thе tеsting procеss, making it morе еfficiеnt. Thеy hеlp tеams organizе thеir work, rеducing thе timе and еffort rеquirеd for tеst planning, еxеcution, and rеporting.

Organization: Tеst managеmеnt tools providе a structurеd framеwork for managing tеst casеs, plans, and rеsults. This organization еnsurеs that nothing is ovеrlookеd, and all aspеcts of tеsting arе wеll-documеntеd.

Rеusability: Tеst casеs and tеst data can bе rеusеd across projеcts, saving timе and rеducing rеdundancy. This rеusability еnsurеs consistеncy in tеsting practicеs.

Visibility: Tеst managеmеnt tools offеr visibility into thе tеsting procеss. Tеams can track progrеss, idеntify bottlеnеcks, and makе data-drivеn dеcisions.

Tracеability: Thеsе tools еnablе tracеability, allowing tеams to link tеst casеs to rеquirеmеnts, еnsuring that еach rеquirеmеnt is thoroughly tеstеd. This is еssеntial for rеgulatory compliancе and quality assurancе.

Rеporting: Tеst managеmеnt tools gеnеratе dеtailеd rеports and mеtrics, making it еasy to communicatе thе status of tеsting to stakеholdеrs. Thеsе rеports hеlp in dеcision-making and prioritization.

Dеfеct Managеmеnt: Thе ability to log, track, and managе dеfеcts within thе tool improvеs dеfеct rеsolution еfficiеncy and еnsurеs that issuеs arе addrеssеd promptly.

Related Read: Best Performance Testing Tools

Collaboration: Tеst managеmеnt tools support collaboration and communication among tеam mеmbеrs, fostеring tеamwork and knowlеdgе sharing.

Consistеncy: Thеsе tools promotе consistеncy in tеsting practicеs and hеlp maintain a standardizеd approach to tеsting throughout thе projеct. 

Global Industry Insights estimates that the software testing market was worth $40 billion in 2021 and is likely to expand at a rate of more than 6% between 2022 and 2030.

Every business needs testing for quality assurance and to maintain desired results. The QA engineers use a variety of tests and tools during a complex process to find defects and ensure that the product or code is error-free. The software testing cycle continues until the required quality gets fulfilled.

If you’re looking for a test management tool, you might wonder which ones are the best in 2023, what factors you should consider when trying the best test management tools, and what features should a QA team look for when selecting a test management platform.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top 25 test management tools for you to choose from in this top tools list.

Market Trend: 

According to Market Research Future, the test management software market had a value of USD 352 million in 2020 and expecting to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2021 to 2027 to reach USD 515 million.

Top 25 Test Management Tools

QA Touch 

QA Touch

QA Touch is one of the best test case management tools and a centralized platform for effective test projects, it has a fast-growing user base with an easy-to-use interface. It offers interaction with more than 15+ major apps like Github,, Jira, Cypress, Slack, and many others.

QA Touch is an open-source test management tool for modern QA teams using Agile or Waterfall methodology. It has many features including stepwise execution, audit log, agile board, bulk action, text prediction, test report, screen recording, mind map, activity log, built-in bug-tracking, and multi-language. On the plus side, Jira integration is available with the free plan.


Lifetime Free Subscription For 2 Users.

The paid version starts at $39/month for 10 users.

You can request a quote on their website for the enterprise version.



The PractiTest test management process starts by offering a single platform for planning, managing, controlling, tracking, reporting, and sharing. However, testing is the focus here. It makes it simple to develop test suites and offers you the option of customizing the fields and data-sorting filters. 

It controls all test runs and test reports defects on a single platform and focuses on the efficiency and visibility of the product. Reusable test suites/steps can be created and refined at any time.


A free trial is available for 14 days. 

The paid version starts at $39 per user/month.



TestRail is a web-based test management tool that makes it easier for testers, developers, and other stakeholders to access QA-related data. It functions effectively for teams of all sizes, from a small team with one tester to a large team of 100 or more. TestRail is available as a cloud/SaaS solution or on a local server for a convenient setup. 

With personalized to-do lists, filters, and email notifications, you can initiate test runs, capture real-time data, track team workload, generates insightful reports, and work more efficiently. It integrates with leading test automation and issue-tracking tools.


A free trial is available for 14 days. 

The paid version starts at $34 per user/month. 



TestCollab is the most up-to-date test management platform for your QA needs, having undergone a complete redesign in 2022. For their QA process, hundreds of businesses have relied on TestCollab over the past 11 years.

The user interface of TestCollab is incredibly welcoming and easy to understand, making it easy to onboard your team members. Additionally, TestCollab provides in-app live chat help.


A free subscription is available for small QA teams.

The paid version starts at $29 per user/month.



When reviewing Tuskr, three things leap out: its enterprise-class features, low cost, and, most importantly, ease of use. It contains features that compete with the major companies in the test management space.

The main benefit of using Tuskr is that it is simple to use; you don’t need to spend much time learning how it works. Among the features, it can create excellent test cases, a rich-text editor with WYSIWYG capabilities, and execute flexible test cycles. All test cases in a project, specific test cases, or test cases matching a sophisticated filter may be readily included in test runs, streamline your resources and visually monitor progress.


A free trial is available for fewer than 5 users. 

The paid version starts at $9 per user/month.



Xqual’s XStudio is considered one of the finest Test Management/ALM tools. With KPIs that are ready to use, you can keep track of your releases, and requirements, perform a risk analysis, specs, documentation, tests, test cases, campaigns, and issues in various trees (quality score, smart coverage, testability, etc).

It can operate with any platform for continuous integration or version control because it is DevOps-ready. Some of the key features include a repository for requirements and standards, exploratory, manual, and automated testing, test campaign orchestration, a flexible bug-tracking tool, almost 90 test automation frameworks supported, and smart KPIs for decision-makers.


A free trial is available for 30 days.

The paid version starts at $200 per user/year.

SpiraTest by Inflectra

SpiraTest by Inflectra

SpiraTest is a powerful test management tool that helps agile teams to produce high-quality software quickly and confidently. It enables the users to manage test cases, requirements, and defects with visual reporting in one spot. 

Customizable test reports allow users to check the progress of the tests and the entire project. Users can easily create and perform manual and automation testing from one place. It provides seamless reporting and issue tracking.


A free trial is available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts from $167.99 for three concurrent users billed monthly. 



Qase is an advanced test management tool with a clean and simple interface and strong features designed for QA and development teams. Test Case Review is used to verify changes made to your test model. It is a complete solution for test management. It has a robust API, webhooks, test plans, and test runs with an insightful test report, defect management, and test case management. 

Its design supports both manual and automated testing. You can link your automated tests with the REST API and submit the outcomes right to the app. In your CI, webhooks will help in initiating builds. 


A free version is available for a small team of up to 3 users. 

The paid version starts at $10 per user/month.



Testiny strives to make manual testing and test case management as easy as possible. It is made to be exceedingly user-friendly and incredibly responsive. It enables testers to carry out tests without increasing testing overhead and to organize test cases easily.

Testiny is a brand-new, simple test management tool constructed with the most recent technologies. Its features include an outstanding test case editor, managing test cases in a tree structure, powerful REST API, and integration with major apps like Jira. It is free for open-source projects and small teams 


A free trial is available for 14 days. 

The paid version starts at $17 per user/month. 



Software testers created TestMonitor for testers. No matter when, where, or how, the TestMonitor platform is designed to let your team members spend more time on the testing process and less time on administrative responsibilities. TestMonitor is ideal for the enterprise searching for a safe, end-to-end test management platform.

TestMonitor includes features such as a test case library, which allows for test case creation and storage while minimizing rework and assisting teams in following the best practices, creating and sharing built-in reports with stakeholders. A cloud-based platform that allows you to reach testers no matter what device or website they use.


A free trial is avaialble for 14 days. 

The paid version starts at $29 per user/month. 



Testpad is not an average test management tool. It resembles a spreadsheet more than a collection of test cases. Testpad differs from a spreadsheet in that it offers consistent formatting, simple communication and collaboration, and excellent results that clarify how testing is progressing. 

The test plan’s accessibility makes them adaptable to practically any method: from fully-scripted test case management to high-level guides for exploratory testing.


Free trial available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts at $49/month for three users. 



Kualitee takes the burden out of software testing and simplifies team communication, whether you’re currently testing in Excel or using a software lifecycle management tool. With the simple dashboard and reporting, you can delegate tasks to your team members and monitor their progress in real-time.

By integrating with your preferred tools, you may customize roles, test reports, filters, and more. The price is affordable and sufficient to meet the needs of both large and small groups.


A free trial is available for 7 days. 

The Paid version starts at $15 per user/month.

Panaya Test Center

Panaya Test Center

Panaya Test Center is a test management platform that assists organizations in accelerating and standardizing packaged application testing without compromising scope or quality. Panaya reduces overall testing effort by 30-50% by encompassing the requirements of all stakeholders and integrating with standardized testing processes for both technical IT and business users.   

Panaya Autonomous Testing for SAP, powered by machine learning capabilities, enables zero-touch creation and maintenance of test cases while eliminating the hassles involved in manually engineering scripts and maintaining them.


You can request a quote on their website.



Zephyr Jira integration is a trusted and preferred solution among qa team. It speeds up test execution by two times and identifies the hidden bugs. 

Some of the main advantages of this technology include its agility and ability to provide real-time information on all insights. You can choose who gets to see the test results while maintaining the confidentiality of the business.


Free trial available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts from $10/month.



The finest all-in-one test management tool for modern teams is Testmo. Manage your exploratory tests, manual test cases, and test automation on one robust platform. Testmo is a testing productivity tool with a quick, scalable, and modern UI that enables teams of all sizes to grow and optimize their testing processes.

Furthermore, Testmo offers a smooth testing workflow by fully integrating with any testing team tool. You can directly provide the test automation results from CI pipelines, build systems, development environments, and any supported test automation framework.


Free trial available for 21 days. 

The Paid version starts at $99/month for 10 users.


QA Coverage

QACoverage is an agile collaboration tool that will help you with project management. It has features for managing the life cycle of software projects. It will accelerate quality, helps in workflow consolidation, and increase visibility. 

It is one of the free test management tools and one of the solutions for reporting modules, test design, test execution, and requirement management. You can develop manual test cases for various test types and categories using the Test Design module. It is possible to import several test cases from Excel spreadsheets.

Pricing: Free trial of 14 days for cloud-based solution. 

The standard paid version starts at $11.99 per user/month. 



TestLodge is an online test management solution that provides teams with customizable activity feeds, dashboards, built-in reports and graphs, and other tools to help them manage test plans. It integrates with major issue management products to provide a comprehensive solution for all other operations.

TestLodge provides some of the best features, including customizable user views, test reports, dashboards, web-based tools for on-the-go collaboration, and built-in management tools for test plans, test cases, and test runs.


A free trial is available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts from $34 per month.



Xray is a valuable tool that can be installed and used within Jira. Its goal is to support businesses in improving the consistency of their products by carrying out effective and reliable research. They will plan, carry out, and monitor their research with end-to-end traceability.

It achieves this by utilizing particular Jira problem forms, allowing you to leverage all Jira features while also dividing features across multiple projects.


You can request a quote on their website. 



JunoOne is a powerful test management tool developed to simplify Test Management and Incident management. JunoOne provides a variety of tools to assist you in managing your work, monitoring the progress of individual test projects, and ensuring that all testing operations are well-organized.

Numerous features are available from JunoOne at various stages. Making the campaign and running the test analysis are the first steps. Not least of all, it resolves problems and secures your data.


A free trial is available for 15 days.

The paid version starts at 10€ for 10 users/month. 

Klaros Test Management 

Klaros Test Management

Klaros-Testmanagement is a tried-and-true German tool that is used by large and small teams worldwide to organize and perform testing activities. The features include all aspects of the entire test process, including test planning, test development, test execution, task assignment and evaluation, test evaluation, and report creation.

Interfaces to defects and needs management systems, continuous integration, test automation, and performance analysis are available for a variety of tools, including JIRA, Redmine, GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins, JMeter, QF-Test, Selenium, JUnit, QTP, and many others.


A free trial is available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts at $30 per user/month. 

TestFlo for Jira

TestFlo for Jira

TestFLO offers numerous configuration options for Agile Teams and Projects, a seamless connection with requirements and defects, extensive reporting that combines all JIRA metrics, and more.

You can use continuous integration platforms like Jenkins or Bamboo to publish test results in real-time while running tests from JIRA. You can use Jira projects, dashboards, permissions, and complicated procedures to your advantage, and transparent reports will allow you to track your progress at each level. A few of the main features of the Test Repository include the ability to create test cases, test strategies, and preconditions.


A free trial is available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts at $750 for 50 users/per year. 

IBM Rational Quality Manager 

IBM Rational Quality Manager

IBM Engineering Test Management enables QA teams to communicate in real-time, leverage automation to reduce project timelines for complicated projects, and report on Key metrics to help with release decisions.

It is intended for use by test teams of various sizes and supports a variety of user roles, including test manager, test architect, test lead, tester, and lab manager. Some of the advanced features are managing responsibilities, keeping track of priority things, and using test plans to accomplish quality goals. It helps with the management of regulatory requirements and audit preparation.


You can get a quote from them by visiting their website.



Aqua is one of the best test management tools that help IT leaders in regulated industries, software agencies, and SaaS enterprises organize tests and teams, perform testing scenarios of any scale and complexity, and seamlessly move from manual to automated testing.

Test case management, planning, and execution are made easier with the help of Aqua’s methodical, clear-cut, and audit-proof methods. You can start manual or automated tests on this page that combines various test tools and manage all of the results in one place.


A free trial is available for 30 days. 

The paid version starts at $39 per user/month. 

QMetry Test Management 


QMetry is an enterprise-grade test case management tool that integrates project management tools with test management features, enabling teams to track testing at a detailed level with custom dashboards. Version control for interactive testing is one of the advanced features that QMetry is known for offering for automated and manual testing assistance.

QMetry test management has several features, including a test management tool for large enterprises, dashboards installed for a quick start, and Integration of popular issue-tracking and test automation technologies.


A free trial is available for 30 days.

The pricing plans start at $66 per user/month.



ReQtest is a test management software that has over 11,000 users worldwide. ReQtest assists QA professionals in overcoming testing barriers, managing testing priorities, and achieving testing goals.

A set of components including requirement management, an agile board, test management, and bug tracking and reporting make up the cloud-based test management platform ReQtest. Agile project teams can use ReQtest as an end-to-end ALM solution. It enables complete development process traceability, from the first idea to the final product.


A free trial is available for 30 days.

The paid version starts at $12 per user/month.

Additional Test Management Tools

A list of a few additional tools that are noteworthy is provided below.

Version One

It is a for-profit product with a focus on agile projects; it includes a test management module in addition to planning, reporting, and other standard features. 


It is an entire lifecycle management tool that integrates with the other SmartSoft functional test tools and offers full end-to-end test process support.  

You can find more details about this tool here.


Due to its XML database, it is a complete end-to-end test management tool that is simple to install and configure. You can document both automated and manual test cases. A web interface also includes remote access. This product is also for sale. 

For more information, click here.


It is open-source software that controls the testing process and can be used to write test cases, execute them, and record results. 

For more specific information, visit this page.


The above list makes two things quite clear.

  • Although there aren’t many open-source test management tools accessible, most of them are still cost-effective.
  • Many tools manage test cases, but they outsource integration with bug-tracking systems to another tool.

Test management tools are no longer just an option. They’ve become a requirement for most businesses. Before settling on a single tool, we recommend that you count all of your options and determine which tool best meets your needs. 

Related Read: QA Automation Tools


What is a test management tool?

Test management tools are used to keep track of how to run tests, plan specific testing activities, and create test reports on the overall state of quality assurance processes.

A test management tool provides complete test case management, which helps manage testing efforts by providing up-to-date information on the testing process. Testing that is quick and efficient helps QA teams provide insightful reports that improve the test procedure, productivity, and product quality. It also provides complete transparency in the testing process.

What are the advantages of the best test case management tools? 

  • Simple and Easy to Use UI.
  • Allow several users with different permissions to access various projects.
  • Complete transparency and traceability.
  • Integration with CI/CD tools and test automation tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, etc.
  • Allowing the tool to map to Agile and Waterfall approaches.
  • Monitoring overall project progress and metrics.
  • Performing testing at a single place.

Why are test management tools necessary?

Managing and Tracking Test Activities: During the STLC phase, tests and defects are managed and tracked using a test management tool.

Test Assigning Features: Users can assign tasks to specific people and the test management application keeps track of test information like “who conducted the tests?” “what tests were performed?” “who passed the tests?” and “what requirements have been met?”

Visibility and end-to-end traceability for Tests: A test management platform allows full visibility and traceability of all test phases.

Eliminate Complexity and Duplication: A test management tool is necessary for any organization if it wants to avoid data duplication and manage the complexity of testing software from beginning to end.

What features should I look for in a test management tool?

The features you should consider depend on your specific needs. However, some common features to look for include test case management, test planning and scheduling, test execution tracking, integration with defect tracking systems, test result analysis and reporting, collaboration and communication tools, and support for automation testing.

Can test management tools integrate with other software development tools?

Yes, many test management tools offer integrations with popular software development tools like bug tracking systems, requirements management tools, version control systems, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. These integrations help create a seamless workflow and enhance collaboration between different teams involved in software development.

How do I choose the right test management tool for my team?

When choosing a test management tool, consider factors such as your team’s size, project requirements, budget, scalability, ease of use, customization options, integrations, reporting capabilities, and support services. It’s recommended to evaluate multiple tools, request demos, and gather feedback from your team before making a decision.

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