Blog QA Touch

QA Touch’s Self-Mastery: Harnessing the Full Potential of QA Touch Within Itself

December 13, 2023
How QA Touch use QA Touch?

How does QA Touch use QA Touch?

QA Touch Maestro of test management—has its application and uniqueness from company to company. Evolved as an insider helping tool from DCKAP, QA Touch has its own way of timeline creation. Three people came together to solve the hassles created by Google Sheets test case management, which blossomed into a popular test case management tool globally. Trio combinations evolved into master creativity that changed the lives of testers.

Apart from the global usage of QA Touch, we very well take advantage of the tool inside as well. You might be familiar with the terms insider podcast, insider demo, insider tour, insider writings, and things like that. Well, I had the thought of writing something that explains the insider timeline and usage in-house. Honestly speaking, an explanation of in-house usage can be used as the best Wikipedia. Gosh, not going to share the secret recipe but still, the insider work usage can help the community leverage the use of QA Touch as a test case management tool.

So let me begin by sharing the well-intended timeline. QA Touch was started as an in-house test case management tool many moons ago. DCKAP started the usage because they were struggling with the Excel sheets for test management with infinite data over a while. The community was not able to track the progress. It was launched as a lifelong free test case management tool for 2 users in a beta version. Surprisingly, the in-house QA leads were happy to use QA Touch as a test case management tool and the stakeholders had thought about making the tool available to the public, and boom! QA Touch launched into the market and the rest was history. 

Feedback Loops

As a community, we always encourage healthy feedback for better mechanisms. Getting feedback can be worse sometimes but as Howard says, we have to swim to the tide to learn and adapt to the current, right? So we have developed an open feedback culture and we always encourage members to be honest with feedback, as this will help us innovate the idea and incubate better developments.

So let me get to the point, today we had a brilliant chit-chat with Pavithran KM from our insider community. Pavithran, would you be kind enough to share the work analysis for QA Touch?

QA Touch use QA Touch

This feedback helped us educate the team on how QA Touch automates Cypress and Testcafe.

Also, are you wondering where Pavithran shared the feedback? Well, that is another insider of DCKAP where we help the HR team reduce their work, especially when it comes to a distributed system. Try Zircly for free and give us feedback so we can help you deliver a better Zircly experience. And a secret Santa is running on, go on and see what surprise your Santa wants to give you.

From my personal experience

I, Sarath, use QA Touch to learn more about the features. I am not from a technical background but still, acting as a product specialist made me understand that the tech jargon is huge. Creation of the project, running the test, adapting to a better testing environment, logging my time stamps over free timesheets, usage of boards, and parallel integration with JIRA, Cypress, and the QA Touch API—the features are endless. 

We also have free users who use QA Touch with limited feature availability. Let’s meet Emmanual from Skillcat, who focuses on the free time Sheet.

QA Touch use QA Touch

What more to say when our free plan is hitting the road more classy?

We are excited to help and support our users who need a Migration from a traditional test management repository, integration with third-party automation, and bug-tracking tools. If you need any help, please feel free to write to us.

Happy Testing Testers 🙂 

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