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7 Best Practices To Boost Your Productivity As A QA Tester

Adepu Bindu Adepu Bindu | Last updated: July 23, 2024 |

Have you ever thought or imagined if you were traveling on the Titanic? Most of you would say, never have I ever. A quick question again. What happens if your TV hangs while you’re watching a nail-biting FIFA finale? More or less, you would want to throw the TV right out the window.

Jokes apart, but today the quality in everything is a real deal, sometimes a big question and an unwilling risk to take. Over the years, technology has had its love and turbulent relationship with people. That’s partly because of their awful experiences in the past. However, their opinions won’t remain unchanged forever. But what can fix them? We say an applaudable quality. Is rigorous testing not helpful? Well, that’s not enough if you aren’t following the best of the best practices. For that, read below.

Why should a company or the tester even care about the best practices?Why should a company or the QA tester even care about the best practices?

A famous Yotpo study found that about 55.3 percent of consumers are brand loyal because they love the product. That same study also found that low product quality is the No.1 reason why a brand would lose a loyal customer by 51.3 percent. A main make or break reason for all businesses who run for profits.
QA Touch
Likewise, several organizations spend around $300 billion per year on debugging software, which is a lot of money. With that in mind, you can assume that QA is a blazing industry with great responsibilities. And this is why we suppose that you should care enough about the best practices and appreciate their money.


What are those 7 best practices?

1. Value the user and User experience more and more

It’s prudent to heed the user for whom you are actually testing in the first place. It’s often said and, in fact, as good as true that you are a good tester when you put yourself in the user’s shoes. Although, that’s the most prevalent mistake every tester makes; getting carried away from the user. It means your attention is under the stout spell of piling test cases on your desk; that’s understandable, though. At the same time, you wouldn’t want to take unsatisfactory customer feedback afterward. Are we right? Yes, accurately.

Think this way, and we hope it helps; what your testing today can be an arousing possibility for someone tomorrow. Something exquisite that makes other’s lives better, easy-going, money-making, or even more. Stick post-it notes everywhere, like on your computer, desk, office walls but never turn a blind eye just like that.

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2. Ask purposeful questions that help you solve big QA problems

“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question” – Eugene Ionesco

Aim for the best understanding and ask too many questions, they say. But, how is asking questions related to understanding? And why should a tester be that person? It’s simple. While trying to understand the software and a user, you may feel like a lost ball in the high weeds.

There are many aspects, expectations, possibilities, and potential failures associated with testing software. And to make sure of that applaudable quality, you should become that annoying person who never stops at one or two questions. Again questions that intend to solve problems, for example, the feel and look of the software and the user’s benefit in specific. Being vocal about your ideas and opinions adds immense value to the team and your journey. Don’t hesitate to contribute at any time.

3. Engaged Management and Reporting

Apart from asking many questions, the testers are also supposed to answer many questions—the project’s progress, what hurdles they have, the testers’ results, and more. These are all part of test management and reporting. However, it differs from the engaged test management and reporting, which means mentoring if you are a senior person, encouraging and determining the problems before it’s too late, and reporting them. By doing this, the relationship between the developers and testers also strengthens in due course of time. And that’s super important.

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4. Own the power of communication

It’s quite an interesting duo of testers and developers (sometimes the product owners come in too). Many misinterpret that they never hit it off well. A common understanding is hard to achieve in such instances, but initiating a humble conversation can make a huge difference. And you being the initiator is an absolute classy approach to make, 100%.

“Hey, I am more than excited to work with you; it seems like you are doing a great job there. I am afraid you’ll put on less work, hahaha”. Big problems look small when you are with an active team (means who keep a purposeful conversation going and going). We have a small example here: If you are working with a developer who has just begun to write the code, you can help them find the core issues even before it starts to trouble. Isn’t that an incredible feeling of becoming an early hero of your team? Think about it.

5. Learning is the best scope in QA

To be that hero, you got to get sound (we mean technical) and re-equip yourself with hands-on experience in growing tech. It’s always an added advantage for the tester to get more and more specialized in the tech. Nevertheless, it comes with tremendous dedication and continuous learning. Learning keeps you updated, and it never goes out of style. (like never). The pandemic is also a good time to get certified and fall in love with books.

Lastly, the competitive tech convos with the developers are the most fascinating and encouraging ones for testers. You will get it if you have ever been there before.

6. Quality First Policy

Be that tough lover of quality. If you know the risks of avoiding it, do state it. Try hard to convince the stakeholders or the product manager with proper pieces of evidence. As discussed in the Titanic scenario earlier, sometimes it’s a life and death or loss of massive money situation if you are more than willing to risk the quality.

And testers are to take the blame regardless of their effort and dedication in the process of testing it. See NASA, the Chernobyl nuclear blast, and more come out if you keep digging (Google isn’t far). Be a part of decision making, win stakeholders’ trust and, as mentioned above, be a brave communicator, don’t bother about the outcome.

7. Follow blogs, podcasts, online communities, build a network, and stay ahead of the game

Online is endless. Before listening to an experienced person’s standpoints and success stories, you would have to travel long distances. Now, the tables have turned. You don’t have to move from your comfort zone to be a part of something great. The world is reaching your comfort zones. You just have to find the right one to be a participant. Or, if you feel you are good at stratifying online things, grab your diary, pen, and phone to make use of your network.
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