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A simplified guide to Cloud-Based Mobile App Testing

Adepu Bindu Adepu Bindu | Last updated: July 23, 2024 |

In lame man words, a Cloud-Based Mobile App Testing Solution is something that allows the developers and testers to connect and communicate to mobile devices using the Internet. Testing done via real devices is very expensive and cloud-based testing is beneficial in such a case.

Notably, in cloud tech, the testers can get access to all different types of devices with unique OS platforms, versions, networks, and more. One can upload the apps using API or Web clients.

Different Simulators and Emulators are obtainable in the cloud. And they allow a tester or developer to perform/execute all the processes like swiping, double-clicking, scrolling, rote scrolling, and more. Any potential performance errors can also be detected by using cloud-based Testing.

Does my App Really Need Cloud-Based Mobile App Testing?

Well, cloud testing can be very beneficial however they are not free. You have to invest to access all these benefits. You need to know all of these details before even thinking to get started with it. It takes time, effort, and money. The decision-makers (usually the product owners) have to approve the request to buy this software and tools before any implementation.

So here’s how it goes. Before you take it to your product owner or manager, you have to sit down with your QA and decide whether you really need it or not. Well, there’s only a simple answer. You need to understand your requirements and nothing more.

Well, we have given some points or can consider examples so that you can make a good or best decision for your app.

Criteria  Cloud Testing Needed  Cloud Testing Not Needed 
Target Audience  Okay, these are the apps that are vastly used worldwide. They are not limited to one specific demographic or geography, they are widespread. To give some examples, here are a few: they can be gaming apps, travel, food, shopping, health, and fitness, or more. The chances of people coming across your app is higher and higher (probably in million) and so you need to rigorously test it, regress them for real-world scenarios.  

Well, these are for sure require stress, penetration, load testing because they are very commonly available for everyone to install. Manual Testing of every aspect of the app can be tedious and time-consuming. A cloud testing in such a case helps ease the pressure on the QA Team.  

When you look at these apps they are very specific and they are designed for a specific set of people only. There is no global scope for such apps, the traffic for these apps should be somewhere in thousands and not more in a day. They can be CRM apps for companies, tracking apps for logistic companies, and more. 

Well, these apps need stress testing but not to a vast extent so that the company will have to invest in such tools. In this case, one can simply manual test. And most of the time the product managers resist investing in such tools. 

Operating system version Testing  Apps that are native in nature and that are developed based on specific features of a given OS and so their versions need to be regressed throughout several versions. These apps need a testbed with different versions and cloud testing is suggested in such circumstances.  Apps that are web applications by nature behave the same across several versions of an OS. So, they don’t require to be regressed for different OS. 

Well, a hybrid app would need an OS but there is no need to stress more on the regression part against all the versions. 

Phone model screen size testing Mostly fancy apps that have imaging features like games, travel, food, and so on need to be thoroughly tested on-screen sizes or phone models. 

The process of creating testbeds can be very expensive. So, cloud testing can save the team from wasting time, effort, and pain. 

These apps are usually non-fancy so they do not need to be tested on all screen sizes and phone features. 

Benefits of Cloud Mobile App Testing

Here are some benefits that one can derive from Cloud-Based Mobile Application Testing. given below are some of the benefits that are derived out of Cloud-Based Mobile Application Testing.

  • Aids parallel testing and save time.
  • You can test the apps in a secure environment.
  • The tools can be accessed from anywhere for both the developers and testers.
  • They charge pay per user.
  • Aids in recording the test results.
  • It has easy access and is available like always.
  • Aids in testing in a real-time environment with real networks.

When it finally is time to launch the product the expectations of the product owners grow and they wish to launch it without bugs. When you compare the closed and handful combinations of the OS and phone models of IOS, Android is quite a challenge.

Notably, the open system has plenty of phone models and OSs, and that’s the biggest challenge for testing.
This is where cloud testing comes in handy. Cloud-based Testing allows the tester to test their application on a cloud at a fast pace and also not risk the quality of the app.

Cloud testing pulls all devices into a centralized location where all the testers are super connected to the cloud and can access all the devices via the internet.

A cloud-based mobile app testing is used to mimic real-world scenarios with real-time traffic. Finally, this is done via shared resources

And this is done using shared resources allotted dynamically in a flexible environment.

Those are our final thoughts and will leave you here. More interesting blogs are coming your way every Tuesday! And further, if you like the type of content you are reading, be sure to subscribe to our QA Touch blog posts for more interesting content. We create and send so much Testing joy to your inbox without making a noise. Also, give us a thumbs-up on social media, where we do all the fun and exciting content on Testing and Tech.

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